CropBooster-P survey – INPUT requested

30 | 03 | 2021


CropBooster-P survey – INPUT requested

CropBooster-P is a project that aims to create a roadmap for future-proof European crops to meet a growing population’s future food demands. The project  would like to ask you to participate in and to share their online survey to assess knowledge, experience and needs related to communication on crop improvement and seeds in Europe. Specifically, with this survey they aim to identify the main drivers, needs and challenges related to an efficient communication strategy.

The survey is anonymous and available in 10 different languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Danish, Dutch and Greek and will take up to 15 minutes to complete.

Please fill out the survey here. The survey is active until April 30th.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to in case you have any questions.

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