
Moving towards a more sustainable seeds and young plants sector

Working towards a sustainable society is everyone’s responsibility and it is up to the companies themselves to include this in their business philosophy and strategy. As a trade association, we play an active role in encouraging, informing and activating all our members to work on sustainability.

Sustainability and corporate social responsibility are in our sector’s genes. After all, with seeds and young plants and with our specific knowledge and methods, we can contribute to making our world healthier, more social, more sustainable and more colourful. Not only for current, but also for future generations. This is only possible if we respect our environment.

In the coming years, we will proactively focus on raising awareness and keeping the sector moving around sustainability. The aim is to work together on one to two topics per year and to take specific steps in this regard. In addition to informing and sharing mutual knowledge about the themes, we also regularly monitor how the companies operate. Increasing the sense of urgency to actively integrate sustainability into the business strategy is critical.