EUCARPIA general congres 2021

19 | 02 | 2021

EUCARPIA general congres 2021

EUCARPIA, the European Association for Plant Breeding, is a scientific association with the primary goal of fostering international cooperation in the field of plant breeding. Although primarily focused on Europe, Eucarpia has gained worldwide recognition and is one of a kind.  About 1,000 members across the globe are active in the diverse disciplines of science-based plant breeding, including molecular genetics, practical plant breeding, variety testing and seed commerce. EUCARPIA has 11 sections to build focused networks of relevant scientists and breeders from companies. Each section organises his own meeting.

The general congress 2021, EUCARPIA’s main event is held every four years at different locations. As a result of the corona crisis, we had to postpone the 2020 Congress for one year. The next General Congress will now be held online at 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th  August 2021. On this occasion, experts and researchers from all over the world will present and discuss their findings and visions for meeting the great challenges that plant breeding will face in the next decades to integrate the many new technologies, skills and human experience into coherent breeding strategies under the theme:

The conference will be organised around several themes with key note lectures, oral presentations, poster displays, interesting breakout sessions and elevator pitches and all abstracts will be published in the Event App. We are well underway to compile an interesting program and by registering you will be kept updated and enjoy the reduced conference fee.

On behalf of EUCARPIA and Wageningen University and Research, we cordially invite you to participate in the online version of the 21st General Congress from Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

More information on the program, the possibility to submit abstracts and how to register, can be found here.

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